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Re: baseball vs softball pitching

Posted by: Mick (whitelion_01@hotmail.com) on Mon Jun 5 09:38:49 2006

> If a baseball pitcher and a softball pitcher eat throw a pitch at the same time from their regulated distances which one would cross the plate first?

You are talking 43ft (women) 46ft (men) vs. 60.5 ft baseball.

In baseball 95 mph fastball(fastest ever is a bit over 101mph) is considered top notch---that converts to 139.3 feet / second

In womens fastpitch a top notch pitcher will throw 63(fastest ever was just under 69) mph--that converts to 92.4 feet / second

Mens fastpitch I'm not as familiar with. I've heard of guys throwing in the low 80's before. I'm not sure about that, so I'll guess a top male pitcher will throw 73 mph. That converts to 107.1 feet / second

If I divide rate by feet... In baseball it takes .434 seconds to reach the plate, In womens fastpitch .465 seconds and in mens .430. The answer is Men's fastpitch followed by baseball followed by womens fastpitch.


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