> > > Benefits
> > > 1. a simple swing and approach
> > > 2. less likely to go into prolonged slumps
> > > 3. greater contact on fastballs
> > > 4. easier to use the hole field
> > > 5. uses more upper body strength
> > > 6. easier to hit the high pitch
> > >
> > > Flaws
> > > 1. decreased power
> > > 2. harder to hit the low pitch
> > > 3. harder to breaking pitches
> > > 4. tendency to hit the ball off the end of the bat
> > > 5. less batspeed
> > > 6. tendency to pull off pitches due to lack of batspeed
> >
> >
> > Hi hitman
> >
> > Im will have to disagree with some of your benefits and flaws of linier hitting this would be my list of benefits and flaws
> >
> > Benefits
> >
> > 1. simple swing
> > 2. easier to hit the high pitch
> >
> > Flaws
> >
> > 1. decreased power
> > 2. harder to hit the low pitch
> > 3. harder to hit breaking pitches
> > 4. tendency to hit the ball of the end of the bat
> > 5. less batspeed
> > 6. tendency to pull off pitches due to lack of batspeed
> > 7. more likely to go into prolonged slumps
> > 8. more difficult to hit fastballs because the bat is not in the contact zone long enough
> > 9. more difficult to use the whole field with enough power to get the ball out of the infield.
> > 10 requires more upper body strength
> Coach 13. Would you care to explain your reasons for 7 and 8 under flaws? Thanks.
Explanation for fla 7. Slumps occur for many reasons they usually start with hit balls that the batter believes should have been hits but the defensive player makes an outstanding defensive play. This gets in his head. The more flaws in a batters mechanichs the more difficult it is to get out of a slump. Slumps that don't start out mental usually arrive there.
Number 8 under flaws. Linear hitting typically is taught "throw the hands down to the ball". This means that the bat is going in the same direction as the ball is. Down. So the intersection point is an extremely small one. Verses the concept of matching the plane of the ball
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