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Re: Re: Re: benefits and flaws of linear hitting

Posted by: Scott (stwinton@netzero.net) on Fri Jun 2 21:34:36 2006

> > > Benefits
> > > 1. a simple swing and approach
> > > 2. less likely to go into prolonged slumps
> > > 3. greater contact on fastballs
> > > 4. easier to use the hole field
> > > 5. uses more upper body strength
> > > 6. easier to hit the high pitch
> > >
> > > Flaws
> > > 1. decreased power
> > > 2. harder to hit the low pitch
> > > 3. harder to breaking pitches
> > > 4. tendency to hit the ball off the end of the bat
> > > 5. less batspeed
> > > 6. tendency to pull off pitches due to lack of batspeed
> >
> >
> > Hi hitman
> >
> > Im will have to disagree with some of your benefits and flaws of linier hitting this would be my list of benefits and flaws
> >
> > Benefits
> >
> > 1. simple swing
> > 2. easier to hit the high pitch
> >
> > Flaws
> >
> > 1. decreased power
> > 2. harder to hit the low pitch
> > 3. harder to hit breaking pitches
> > 4. tendency to hit the ball of the end of the bat
> > 5. less batspeed
> > 6. tendency to pull off pitches due to lack of batspeed
> > 7. more likely to go into prolonged slumps
> > 8. more difficult to hit fastballs because the bat is not in the contact zone long enough
> > 9. more difficult to use the whole field with enough power to get the ball out of the infield.
> > 10 requires more upper body strength
> Coach 13. Would you care to explain your reasons for 7 and 8 under flaws? Thanks.

if the bat is in the hitting zone for a longer period of time woulden't that be the point that its actually moving slower?


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