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Drills to induce proper elbow mechanics

Posted by: DBM (rvrmonkeys@adelphia.net) on Mon Mar 27 07:12:58 2006

I have a couple of kids I can't get to keep the front elbow from folding over and rolling the wrists before contact. I have ran them thru the heavy bag drills and they look great. When I take them to soft toss, the mechanics are about 50/50 and the old mechanics creep in.

They are getting frustrated and need another drill to reinforce lead elbow mechanics. Any tips and drills that teach muscle memory will be appreciated.

I also have one kid who takes his his bat from his shoulder, and chops straight down at a 45 degree and swipes at to ball. He does this in the cage no matter what I do. He to looks good at bag.

I have not been instructing very long, but have had great success with others.


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