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Re: popping up

Posted by: mike28nc (mikelamb68@hotmail.com) on Thu Mar 23 03:39:42 2006


If you look at clips of hitters. You will see the back shoulder drop some. What you may have done is have bad path to the ball. You see this alot when you dont land soft on the lead foot. Your path for the bat head never gets in plane with the ball. It has a cross path with the ball. You get the slice of the ball and it floats out to the outfield. With out seeing a clip of your swing it would be hard to say for sure. If your landing hard on the lead side and have push from the back side (getting heavy on the lead side). Then I would work there and see what happens. If this is still problem go to wide stance and no stride. Try that you may see your problem corrects its self.


> Today was our first game. Two of my at bats I hit fly balls that were easy to see I got under. But my middle at bat I hit a very hard line drive that got caught by the outfielder (outfield plays shallow now because we use wood bats for H.S.) The line drive that I hit I kind of exagerated and made myself land harder on my front foot after my stride and threw my weight forward sort of. I think this may have helped me from dropping my back shoulder a little. Would this be considered linear? I thought this was not good to do though because I throw all my weight forward. Any one know any other reasons of why I could be getting under the ball or maybe im dropping my back shoulder. Please help. Thanks!


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