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Re: Pulling All Pitches

Posted by: The Hitting Guru (hitman 3527@aol.com) on Thu Mar 9 22:09:59 2006

> Hi All:
> If we consider the empirical, geometrical, and, to a certain extent physical ramifications of pulling all pitches, one can easily debate critics that claim its absurdity. To paraphrase Jack, hypothetical model that challenges conventional baseball wisdom is likely to arouse one's ire. The folly here is, though, the same individual(s) who make this claim often fall into the camp they so desparately criticize.
> Let's take my model from just the untrained eyes of the observer. Many members of the 500 home run club had a propensity to pulling every pitch: Mickey Mantle, Harmon Killebrew, Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmiero, and others.
> The observer must then ask this question: why is pulling every pitch beneficial. The answer simply is that the natural field is has one of the shortest proximal dimensions on in the ballpark.
> This will segway into another question: if the opposite field is the same distance than the natural field, then why not hit to that area. The answer is that balls are hit with more force when pulled then pushed the other way. I believe thar even Adair and Jack support this notion.
> Here is the BHL challenge: individuals should chart the top power hitters, and estimate what percent is hit to the opposite field. Overall, how many of these hitters pull all pitches? Who out there is willing to accept?
> Sincerely,
> Knight1285@aol.com
> P.S. I welcome all criticism, and will give individuals a week to comment before I respond. Please remember, in order to learn from this discussion, I would appreciate that all feedback, negative especially, be backed with reasons why individuals feel that way. Let the debates begin!

BHL. I like your challenge as it promotes discussion and incite. In today's game the best hitters are our homerun hitters. My best power hitters for the most part would be to name some: A-Rod, David Oriz, Manny Ramirez, Todd Helton, Paul Konerko, Derek Bell, Pujols, Bonds, Sheffield, Haffner.

Of the above, the pull hitters would be Konerko, Haffner, Sheffield, Bonds, and Ortiz. Likely for these players the shift would be on or would at least make sense to use.

The reason why some of these hitters hit homeruns to the opposite field is that they look to go that way. And they can on occassion jam themselves and fight the ball to a homerun in the case of Ramirez, Ortiz, and A Rod. Pitchers do not have the guts/stuff for the most part to challenge them inside.

The players I mentioned are bonified .300 hitters who are good enough to get hits in all directions. This is not to say that they could not be dead pull hitters and even hit more homeruns. If they were dead pull hitters they would strike out from 150 to 200 times because they would not get enough decent pitches to swing at. Bonds is the only exception to this rule. And since he has been considered guilty of doping, it is likely he would strike out more as well.

Brian Roberts who was a leader in homeruns early last year would be an example of a pull hitter who hit almost all his homeruns to the power field. But like Don Mattingly (my favorite hitter), he is unique in being able to hit for a high average and still pull before he like Roberts got injured.

With regard to earlier comments by BHL, more homeruns in general would be hit the opposite way if players closed their stances more and mad a deliberate attempt to hit in that direction. Also the additional time to wait for the pitch would allow more time for solid contact. Also, the advent of the increased intentional walk (as a cop out) has contributed to less pull hitters who are successful average wise. Reggie Jackson stated that Barry Bonds would have hit 100 homeruns the year he hit 73 had he been pitched to.


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