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Re: bat wrap/elbow height

Posted by: The Hitting Guru (hitman3527@aol.com) on Thu Mar 9 00:11:47 2006

> My son has his top hand elbow higher than his back shoulder prior to loading and striding. I think this is the cause of him wrapping the bat, therefore slowing down his swing. To keep the bat more perpendicular in this stance seems to put the hands in an awkward position to me. It also seems like it would slow down getting his elbow into a tucked position as his swing starts forward. Is this accurate?

The key is what kind of results is your son getting. For the most part the shorter swing is a more effective swing. But some advanced hitters use a wrapped bat position in order to time pitches. EX. Julio Franco and Carl Yastremski. Dusty Baker has a book titled "You Can Teach Hitting" which covers some common flaws and may answer other questions with regard to beginning hitting.


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