Jack- great site. I have been studying posts for about a year. Wish there was a search engine attached but flipping through posts have uncovered a lot. I am a firm believer in the rotational swing that you teach. I read last months role of the hips thread. This is what I have been teaching my son. He is eight years old but his ability to assimilate information amazes me. I cannot tell his teammates the same things I talk to him about with the swing. We have been working on the rotation of the hips and been using words like making a �tiny circle� with the hips and pushing the back lead cheek to the rear. I want him to make the smallest tightest turn of the hips- like a screw. I hope this is right. All of which is to instill the shoulders and arms lagging behind.
Question- what is the role of the hands? I still want him to drive the right arm straight like a punch toward the pitcher. Sorry if this is a post is a mess. Baseball season gets me going.