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Re: linear and rotational

Posted by: Andy (aa) on Thu Mar 2 19:14:04 2006

>I'll give it a shot...

Linear is what your typical little league parent will teach...down to the ball, level shoulders, knob to the ball, head down. It involves trying to use the hands to move the bat on a line from the catcher to the pitcher,a s well as keep the bat on a diagonal line from launch to contact (from side view).

Rotational is more about using the body's turning motion to move the bat. The bat follows the rotation of the body. The abt goes around the body, not straight to the ball (BTW "straight to the ball does sound quicker, in reality it is not).

At least that's part od my interperatation.

This is a simple queston that I keep posting but no one seems to answer. Well, atleast I tihnk it is simple for someone to explain if they understand the whole linear and rotational concept. So could someone PLEASE explain to me what makes a swing linear and what makes a swing rotational? I still dont understand the whole tihng. And for rotational, could you explain more than just CHP and torque. Thanks!


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