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Re: linear and rotational

Posted by: The Hitting Guru (hitman3527@aol.com) on Thu Mar 2 16:52:31 2006

> This is a simple queston that I keep posting but no one seems to answer. Well, atleast I tihnk it is simple for someone to explain if they understand the whole linear and rotational concept. So could someone PLEASE explain to me what makes a swing linear and what makes a swing rotational? I still dont understand the whole tihng. And for rotational, could you explain more than just CHP and torque. Thanks!

Actually your question has a great deal to do with our opinions, combined with what we have seen, and what we believe takes place. It is not an exact science nor is it easy to determine what combination is best for each individual. If it was players would not feel the need to use steroids, corked bats, and the integrity of the game would be restored.

But to answer your question, I would offer this input. Rotational involves a player taking a defined backward movement with an inward turn of the front knee combined with a cocking of the wrists backward in an effort to get the bat head started as an archer would pull a bow back or one would pull a rubber band or slingshot back in an effort to launch an object. The effectiveness of this technique depends a lot on the circular path taken to the incoming pitch. If the bat does not drop significantly during the swing it results in a slight upswing which is the desired method of contact. But if the bat head dips too much, the hitter must compensate by thrusting the head of the bat up in an effort to meet the incoming pitch. This is called an uppercut swing which decreases the opportunity to make solid contact. The uppercut often results in many strikeouts due to flaws in the swing or a plain late swing due to some form of mistiming.

On the otherhand, linear involves more of a point A to point B movement of the bat. There is very little if any prelaunch movement backward in order to start the swing. Some hitters due start with their weight back which compensates some for a lack of prelaunch movent backward. The problem they incur is that if they are fooled by the pitch, they loose power as all or most of their weight will already be shifted forward. Thus they loose the chance to recognize pitch speed during a prelaunch move. One major benefit of the linear movement is that there is a thought that the bat is started closer to the finishing position of the swing which would allow a straight line movement toward the pitch from the initial starting position. This is probably why it appears easier for a slap hitter to atleast make contact since his bat angle is not traveling in a loop to the ball.

Hope this helps.


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