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Re: Rotational Mechanics for Younger Hitters

Posted by: rql () on Thu Nov 13 12:59:08 2008

> Is there an age that is too young to teach rotational mechanics? In the past with younger players, I have typically kept hitting very basic, although I can see where some of the techniques I've taught to the younger players are more linear than rotational. I didn't realize this until I went from working with 18U players back to working with 8-10 year old players. As I made the concepts more basic and relied on some drills I used when my players were a lot younger, I see how they are more geared towards linear mechanics. Just curious as to your thoughts on what aspects of hitting to focus on with younger players, yet not letting them get into bad habits that need to be corrected as they get older. Or is this just part of the evolutionary process of teaching players the finer points of hitting as they get older?
> Thanks for your time,
> - Ken
I am working on that now but for maybe younger kids.keeping the backtoe in contact with the ground is a issue right now ,this allows the head to get over the lead leg and then locks their hips up and ultimately has a down angle linear swing left.Question is how are we going to fix the base.


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