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Re: Re: Re: Pitching speed in Little League World Series

Posted by: Cage_64 (cage@anechoicmedia.com) on Sat Dec 31 20:07:16 2005

> The fastest 12 yr olds at the LLWS are in the high 70's. But they may get faster speeds starting next year with the birth date change going into effect. The teams at the LLWS will have a lot of 13 yr olds starting next year. This will put us in a better competitive situation vs. non-American teams who've done this already. The sad thing is that 11, 12 and 13 yr olds should be playing on transitional fields (i.e. 48-50 foot rubbers and 65-70 ft bases) and not the 46/60 fields LL uses. It's completely moronic that LL hasn't changed the field sizes at some point over the years.
> Regarding your son, 63mph for 10 is very fast. I too wouldn't spend much time clocking him with radar except when you're working on a changeup and you want to see what the speed differential is vs. the fastball.
> To give you an idea, here are some speeds from 46 feet and the corresponding speed at 60.5 feet....
> 60 mph @ 46 ft = 78 mph @ 60.5 ft
> 65 mph @ 46 ft = 85 mph @ 60.5 ft
> 70 mph @ 46 ft = 92 mph @ 60.5 ft
> 75 mph @ 46 ft = 99 mph @ 60.5 ft
> Jon
> > > What is the speed record in a Little League World Series game??
> > My son has been clocked at 63MPH on police radar, what is the average speed for a ten year old?

hi i'm 12 years old and hit 70 mph-not 69 not 71- 70. Is 92 mph in the MLB good? That's what seems to be the equivelent to 70.
Also, I want to know how to make my 2 seamer sink.


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