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Re: Re: level swing

Posted by: George (yankee_gdt@yahoo.com) on Tue Sep 13 17:49:51 2005

I have coached/managed Mens Fast Pitch, Little League and 10 years Girl's High School Fast Pitch. I have found that the "swing down" motion is very effective. I coach that at the point of impact, the bat should be 'near its nadir', and that really translates to being flat by the time it gets to the front of the plate. Assuming that the Impact point is directly over the plate, impact is a downward motion still. I was under the impression that this is how most coaches atr teaching hitting, except for those they feel are legit power hitters who can pull the ball whom they cautiously teach to lower the back shoulder. I seldom do this with girls, however.

Are you saying we're wrong now? By the way, ouor girls' teams routinely place high in the state rankings.


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