Re: Re: late timing
> It could be that your son has a timing problem and is just initiating the swing too late.
In doing swing analysis of young hitters, I have found that the main reason for their hitting
weak grounders and pop flies to the opposite side is more mechanical than timing. They
get the hands to the zone, but their mechanics have left the bat-head lagging behind the
hands at contact.
> I would suggest a Swing Review Analysis of his swing to determine if timing or his
mechanics is the problem and how it could be resolved.
> Jack Mankin
I agree,almost certainly a primarily mechanical problem that makes good swing timing
very difficult/very unlikely.
AND- a great descripiton by Jack of the heart of the issue being the out of synch/
dragging of bathead/poor transfer mechanics.I believe Jack has also described this
dragging as the lack of the desired "exponential resistance factor" - do I remember that
correctly ?
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