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Jack Needs to Teach the PFO Style, Too

Posted by: BHL (Knight1285@aol.com) on Thu Mar 17 01:10:42 2005

Hi Jack:

This is from a Tue Mar 8 07:21:19 2005 post:

One of the benefits of Jack's information is that, with correct rotational mechanics, the batter can pull all pitches. This will make smaller players consistent power threats (see Mar. 2003 or Mar. 2004--my memory escapes me--for a discussion on this topic.


P.S. Jack, I remember you telling people that, correct rotational mechanics, people can become PFO's. Let's "rekindle the fire" in Batspeed.com by starting a lengthy thread about ways to become a Pull Field Orientee in Baseball. You'll being doing smaller players a favor by helping them gain an ungodly home run frequency through the act of pulling every pitch.


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   I Wish I was in Dixie
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