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Re: Re: Re: Uppercut swing

Posted by: Dan (uscdk862@yahoo.com) on Mon Feb 28 12:58:13 2005

> > > My son has a huge upper cut swing I am tring to level out his swing. Any tips.
> See if his lead shoulder goes way up. Check his weight, does he stay back or is he leaning back prior to the front foot hitting the ground. For example keeping 70 % of the weight back. Is his head directly inbetween the feet at toe touch, and are the hips directly underneath the head at toe touch.
> Try to look and see what is causing the upward swing. The swing does go up. Check his posture at the points I mentioned and maybe we can go from there.

As Ted Williams said, the best swing has a slight uppercut. When the upper cut becomes a problem is when it is steeper then the angle of the pitch. Tell him in the cage not to try to lift the ball, but rather swing with the pitch for a line drive up the middle.


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