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Re: THT Clarification

Posted by: Jack Mankin (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Fri Feb 4 12:11:26 2005

Jack, I have purchased your video and bag 2 years ago. I am sold on the rotational concept. I am one though that feels I have to master the skill myself before I can attempt to teach it. The only problem I have had with your teachings has to do with tht. If I attempt to apply tht the way I saw it presented in the video,I become disconnected with the rest of my body which causes lack of consistency, major wrist bind, and many popups. On the other hand if I attempt a controled plt to my back shoulder to create the connection with my back shoulder all the problems above seem to go away.


There is obviously a problem if you are becoming disconnected while applying THT. The rearward pull of the forearm and top-hand during initiation should cause you keep the hands back at the shoulder and stay connected to rotation. I would need to see your swing to see why you are experiencing the opposite effect. – I have had good success teaching student the principles of THT with the “Thumb Drill.” I will post it below.

There are two major causes of wrist binds. (1) Extending the hands away from the shoulder while applying THT. (2) Not sweeping the bat-head into the swing plane during pre-launch. Wrist binds occur from accelerating the bat-head back to vertically. This results in the bat-head cutting down through the plane instead of sweeping into it.

PS - I commend you for learning THT yourself before teaching it to your son. You will have a better understanding of difficulties he may have.

Jack Mankin


Thank you Bill for your purchase of the DVD. --- In response to your question, most hitters can not hit the outside pitch with any real authority. This is because they extend their hands out in a straighter path (linear mechanics), which means less bat speed generated from the hand-path. Therefore, most of their bat speed must be generated from torque – driving the top-hand past the bottom-hand. But this method of applying torque becomes less efficient when the hands are extended away from the body. With most swings, this leaves the bat-head lagging well behind the hands at contact. This results in balls hit to the opposite field with little power.

One of the main differences between linear and rotational mechanics is with rotational transfer mechanics, the batter keeps his hands back during initiation and accelerates the bat-head back toward the catcher before he rotates and directs his energy toward the ball. When the top-hand is pulling back (or just holding the hands at the shoulder) during initiation, shoulder rotation will accelerate the hands into circular path. At the same time, the rotation of the lead-shoulder (through the lead-arm and hand) accelerates the bat-head by applying torque at the knob. Now the bat-head acceleration can stay in sync with rotation as the hands cast out in a wider arc to contact. With these mechanics, the great hitters can cream outside pitches.

Bill, I would suggest your son practice the following drill before changing his timing. The drill works best when practiced with a heavy bag (or tire) before hitting off a tee or soft toss. --- There are two keys to efficient rotational transfer mechanics. (1) Do not drive the top-hand forward at the start of the swing. (2) Make more productive use of the lead-side.

To help a student accomplish these keys, I have the student take their normal launch position – with one major change. I have the batter lift the thumb of the top-hand away from the bat and point it toward their back-shoulder. As the batter initiates the swing, the thumb should be touching the shoulder. The batter should try to keep the top-hand pulling back so that the thumb is touching the shoulder as far into the swing a possible. The bat-head is accelerated back toward the catcher by lead-shoulder rotation pulling (through the arm and hand) on the knob-end of the bat. The accelerating trajectory of the bat will cause the top-hand and forearm to rotate and lower to the horizontal contact position.

In order for the batter to pull the thumb to the back-shoulder during initiation, he must pull the back-elbow back toward the third base dugout. He is now learning the basics of how to apply Top-Hand-Torque while maintaining a good CHP.

Bill, If your son hold the more vertical, you may find some good points in the following post from the discussion board archives.

Best regards,

Jack Mankin


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