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Posting Guidelines

Posted by: BatSpeed.com (support@batspeed.com) on Wed Dec 15 20:16:50 2004

Hello all:

From time to time, we post the discussion board guidelines for your review:


You are responsible for the content of your post. BatSpeed.com logs the IP Address of each post. Please be respectful to each other when posting, and debate ideas and theories rather than make personal comments about someone else. Please also respect materials protected by copyright and ensure that you give credit to another person's statements where credit is due.


Unfortunately, having operated an open discussion board for several years, it is no secret that some individuals would like to turn this discussion board into a chat room or news group. Some wish to gripe about other individuals, some like to vent or flame, some refuse to keep the discussions on baseball or softball topics, and some just wish that this board would go away altogether. But then there is a majority of us who want to read about different ideas, learn from one another, discuss and share the mechanics of the baseball and softball swing. The latter has always been the purpose and goal of this board, and that is what we are trying to protect and maintain.

To that end, this is a discussion board that accepts posts related to baseball and softball, unlike a chat room or news group that may accept every post. Certain posts may not be accepted, including the following situations: material unrelated to baseball or softball; nuisance material; spam or chat room material; outside advertising material; harassing, insulting or flaming material; and other issues which may be reviewed on a case by case basis. We are attempting to protect the integrity of this board so that it can be enjoyable for the fans, coaches and players who want to learn and share different points of view related to baseball and softball.

It is also very important to point out that we encourage everyone’s point of view related to baseball and softball, including those that disagree with ideas presented on this site. If we were all in agreement, we would have very little to discuss. We just encourage and expect some tact and consideration when challenging another person’s point of view. We request that you discuss ideas rather than people.

Because some comments may seem innocuous to us when read quickly and out of context, we request that you inform us via email of any posts that you believe constitute spam, harassment, foul language, or flaming, and thus should not have been approved. We will review the post and, if necessary, delete the post, and if that post has caused a thread to deteriorate into improper or chat room type comments, we may remove the thread at our discretion.


Please do not post under another person's name/handle because it is wrong and degrades the integrity of the discussion board. As noted, we log IP Addresses and we can generally identify people who post under another person's name or under multiple names/handles.

However, because we have an open (non-member) discussion board, it is difficult, if not impossible, for BatSpeed.com to monitor for imposter posts for several reasons: 1) a select number of individuals frequently use different handles/names, 2) the IP Addresses are logged separate and apart from the discussion board posts that we review, and 3) some people use proxy servers in an effort to hide their identity. Although we know all names that a certain IP Address posts under, we generally do not know if someone has legitimately used your name as to assume your identity. Therefore, we need your assistance. Please inform us via e-mail if someone is using your name and we will delete the post. At your request, we may post a statement that someone else posted under your identity and, thus, it did not represent your comments or point of view. We may take any further action that we deem appropriate to stop imposter posts to protect the integrity of the board.


We hope that you enjoy and learn from the discussions that occur here whether you always agree, always disagree or (like most of you) a little of both. The baseball communities' understanding of the baseball swing has dramatically changed over the last 10-20 years, and we hope this discussion board will continue to open our viewers mind to a new way of thinking about and teaching the baseball swing.

We are always looking for ways to improve the Web Site and discussion board. We recently revised the Swing Mechanics page, and our next project is to contact MLB and request permission to post video clips of major league swings directly on the Web Site and discussion board. It is easier to show you rotational mechanics, CHP, THT, BHT, stationary axis, etc. in Bonds and other great hitters' swing with video than to write about it.

We appreciate the contributions you make. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please do not attempt to post a reply, but instead email us at support@batspeed.com.



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