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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hands controlled pivot??

Posted by: Dave (cdpaetkau@telus.net) on Tue Nov 16 03:52:54 2004

>>> Xfactor stretch in golf is the same type of trunk coiling that accompanies "THT at Launch"
> in my opinion.Both lead to the important last quick bit of stretch as the swing proceeds. <<<
> Hi Tom
> Since you have studied it and I have not, I will take your word for it. I thought it referred to attaining maximum hip to shoulder seperation prior to accelerating the hands.
> Jack Mankin

Hi Jack

I have been to skill technologies in Phoenix where the x-factor stretch was discovered. Tom is correct that in baseball/softball swing it is measured more by the ability of the hands to stay back (shoulders must stay inline with the pitcher while the hips start to rotate) and it is the increase in stretch or attaining maximum seperation further into the swing then at the start of the swing process.

I have had several conversations with Phil at skiilltech and he is in agreement that x factor stretch is more pronounced in faster swing velocities but in golf because of the backswing and starting clubhead position/hand position the golf swing will attain a higher x-factor stretch then in baseball.

Higher seperation numbers would only occur if the starting coil position would be increased and this would cause a number of problems in trying to see the ball and being able to catch up to faster pitches.

I am however surprised by your comments that you do not believe in the x-factor but you have not studied it. Is it not the responsiblity of all experts like yourself to look at new research, ask questions and then come to a conclusion whether the new information has validity or has an applcation to one's own position. A wise man once said that the world advances everyday and if we stay within our own world and never explore new horizons the world will pass us by. I think this applies to your original research in THT CHP and BHT and how old linear (hands to the ball) thinkers and closed minded individuals ignored you in the start. My simple advice to myself is always be open to new ideas but ask the question why when confronted with new information.

Why does it work?
Why do I need to use it?
Why should I teach it?


PS Most people have problems with asking why because they think it makes them look weak to the other person. Those who never ask why also hate to have other people ask them why because most of the time they can not answer the question or are afraid to reveal it in case it is wrong.


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