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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Making Contact

Posted by: ssarge (ssarginson@earthlink.net) on Sun Oct 31 21:43:06 2004

> > "I understood that brett was asking how to improve contact."

I have the same understanding.

"Who are you to invaladate my opinion anyway?"

I am a poster on a public forum who has an opinion. That's kind of the point of the forum, right?

If my opinion DOES invalidate yours - a reader determination - that I am the guy who had a better point. This time, on this subject, among these readers. If otherwise, I'll deal with that. As should you.

"I didn't read that brett was expressing he was having mechanicl problems."

I didn't either, specifically. That's why I said it could be any of 25 causes. Which range from inexperience (your sole position) to eyesight to about 2 dozen mechanical problems. On further reflection, I'll stand on that.

"I was giving my advice. This advice could help brett ."

Could. It could also hurt him dramatically, if he keeps "grooving" the wrong mechanics. Hader and harder to undo later.

"I don't care what your background is."

Is this directed to me? If so, I'm not sure how to respond. I'm not sure of the relevance, either. My advice is valid or it isn't. It has to stand public scrutiny and be reviewed by all posting / reading. Same as yours.

"A hitter has to get to a certain ability himself through hard work."

I think I said this. If not, I will now - I agree. Hitting is a trial-and-error process. Hard to do on your own, though. But possible for a great athlete. For anyone, it is faster with help.

"I think sometimes some of you guys make things to complexed for players that lack a lot of reality that is built from getting to a certain level themselves."

Who are "you guys?" I represent no one but myself.

I assume by "to complexed" you mean "too complex?" If so, I think that is a valid point. That's why I recommend video analysis over blind advice. Much easier to see and describe than just describe. Plus, it identifies which of the 25 (whatever the number is) potential problems really are necessary to address.

"I think you should worry more about finding out what bretts training program is"

Ok, fair point. Again, I am frustrated by the realities of a non-realtime posting forum. Out of courtesy to this forum, I DIDN'T steer Brett to a forum where that kind of thing would be easier to discern / analyze. But I SHOULD have asked the question. Apparently, you know, as you didn't ask the question, either. Can you illuminate us - you apparently believe it is appropriate, since you want him to do nothing more than intensify it.

"for hitting maybe that's more important than trying to make me wrong."

If you are wrong about some aspect of hitting, welcome to the club. Happens to me every day. I count on it happening - that's how I learn and get better as an instructor.

"I think you think you have all the answers."

I think I have some answers some of the time. I know for a certainty that I am often wrong. My opinions about hitting today are much different than a year ago. But consistent in terms of the framework I use to develop / understand those opinions. Which is intensive frame-by-frame analysis of elite hitters. I think having a basis for opinion, a process to challenge it, and a willing ness to change / grow is not unique among hitting coaches. But not the norm, either.

I didn't know you were the chosen one.

Come on, Erik, this is beneath you. You obviously are disappointed in me for not supporting your commercial product. Deal with it. My opinion is based on video of actual MLB swings. Not on what people say about their hitting. Or which poroduct they endorse for profit.

If that is an invalid approach, demonstrate that to be true.

If I am analyzing the video incorrectly, please demonstrate that. As indicated, I'll be happy to consider your point, and if persuasive, modify my opinion.

Otherwise, please allow me the freedom to disagree.

> >
> >
> >Hey Erik,
> After having Teacherman giving you a hard way to go i can understand you're thinking SSarge might have been pimping you... but rest assured that he wasn't.
> I think hitting 300-500 balls a week will help... especially if Brett has the INTENTION of making better contact during his drills. the power of INTENTION is truly miraculous.
> Some day i'll explain the nature of INTENTIONS and why they are so important. glad your post here... regards, Rich


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