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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Pro Example

Posted by: HoffmanLa () on Sat Nov 25 20:21:29 2000

To all
> Perhaps some aspect of the original post has been poorly comprehended.
> I guess I will stand on the following, for whatever it matters to anyone:
> I would support the emulation of an amateur swing that employs rotation, torque, a slight uspwing and unbroken wrists at contact over copying the swing of the higest-paid professional who relies on weight shift, whip-cracking, swinging down and throwing knobs, handles or whatever. Just so happens a great many of those desirable swings happen to be on television, although you can find them elsewhere.
> I am also sure that there is wisdom in the original message. It would certainly be a bad idea to copy the swings of certain professionals. However, I must politely disagree with the assertion that it is a bad idea to emulate the the swings of the good ones.
> HoffmanLa

To all

One more thing that perhaps was overlooked.

People here tend to be interested in reaching for greatness...we may not get it, but we are interested in understanding what makes some hittes great...true geniuses...experts at that which separates the good from the great...bat speed.

We should recognize that there is a place for those who do not seek that. It is perfectly possible to play baseball, even at the professional level, and certainly below it, very successfully without wolrd-class bat speed. Simpler approaches geared toward contact abound, and players who want to carve out a respectable, honest career at whatever level might be well-served to abide by them.

The world is not made up of aficionados. Some people like fishing for the recreation, comraderie and outdoors; that doesn't mean those fishermen have to study world-class anglers to enjoy it and be reasonably successful at it. There is dignity and honor in both.

Truly, there is no "one way." That is a personal decision. I must submit, however, that there are better ways than others, in hitting, as in life. Without that precept, we would have to admit that some things are not superior to others, and then, we would be giving in to reductionism, redistribution, extreme egalatarianism and all sorts of other -isms with which I cannot agree. But none of it reflects on anyone's worth as a person.



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