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Re: Resolving Conflict

Posted by: Dave (cdpaetkau@telus.net) on Fri Oct 22 11:24:41 2004

Hi Jack,
> I would still like to resolve the conflict identified. You have since conceded, if bat force is constant, then bat velocity is linear.
> However, do you believe this is the case? Your dragster analogy suggests you believe bat acceleration (and thus force) is increasing.
> If you believe bat velocity increases more in the last unit of time then the first unit of time during a swing, then swing force must be increasing throughout.
> Thanks,
> Mike.

Hey Mike and Jack

My thoughts are that there is more then one force being applied to the bathead speed. THT and BHT if constant can only apply a linear increase in bathead speed however the longer that that force is applied the faster the bat moves however if there is other forces involved such as shoulder rotation and body rotation(front shoulder pulling back to the catcher) which is also applying rotational speed to the bat. The accumulation of the two or more forces applying constant forces over a period of time will increase bathead speed that would appear to be exponetial.



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