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Re: Re: Re: Re: PLT-THT

Posted by: Tom Waz (sluggoking@msn.com) on Thu Oct 14 04:26:31 2004

Jack, since we live in the midwest our season has been over for about a month. Since that time I have been working with my 13yr.old son on the bag and focusing on tht and visualizing the chp. Yesterday we went live for the first time in the cage. The results were mixed at best ( way to many pop-ups ) He just didn't feel like he had the time to sweep the bat back on plane to contact. Does he need to start plt earlier ? The problem I've had with teaching plt to kids is they are not comfortable sweeping back without knowing where the pitch is going.
> > >
> >
> > > >>>I found this site about 2 months ago, found it extremely enlightening, and ordered the DVD. My son just turned 13 and is playing on the 90 foot field for the first time this fall. He and his travel team were very successful as 12's, making to the Cal Ripken World Series in Aberdeen MD, but I felt that he was not getting everything he could out of his 5"1", 95 LB frame. He had always used linear mechanics but we switched to rotational mechanics for a test during fall ball. I must say, even though his swing is still far from perfect, that he his hitting the ball with authority. Just last Saturday, he hit a 3 RBI double that flew an estimated 250 ft and rolled to the 330 ft fence. His THT is still a work in progress, but the CHP and BHT are helping to put the ball out there. He is getting far better use of his legs and torso. PLT is still a problem because I do not fully understand what is involved, but further DVD study should fix that and he is using a 20-30 degree shoulder rotation to get into launch position. Bottom line is that his swing is smooth and fluid and he is using his big muscle groups for power instead of his hands and wrists to accelarate the bat. Your concern about popups may lie in the use of a cage for batting practice. Remember that the pitches are now coming from 60 feet and most 13 year old's pitches, even pitching at 60 miles per hour, take more than a second to reach the plate. Most batting cages in our area are shorter in distance so the reaction time is off. How does your son look off the tee? Is he in the correct position when contacting the bag? Is he bringing his trailing elbow to his side to generate THT and get the bat on the swing plane quickly? Are you sure he is not going linear right at the end of the swing? Have you worked with the soft toss drill as shown on the DVD? There are lots of things to remember in rotational mechanics, but once your son masters it, the sky is the limit.
> > >
> > > Jerry
> >
> > Jerry,
> >
> > My son is about the same size but 10-15 pounds lighter. Just curious, what size bat does your son swing? - Tom Waz
> >
> >> Tom,
> My son used a Rawlings Liquid Metal 32-20 (-12) as a 12 year old for Summer Travel. He is using a 32-24 (-8) Omaha Scandium for Fall Ball, and will probably use a Liquid Metal 2 32-29 (-3) for Spring 2005. How old is your son? Is he playing on the 90' field?
> Thanks,
> Jerry


My son is also 12 and playing on the 90' field. He's 5'-2" and weighs 80/85 pounds. He's currently using a 30-25 Easton bat but is starting to practice with a 31-24-1/2.

Thanks for your response. - Tom


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