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Re: Hands hook the hand path?

Posted by: tom.guerry (tom.guerry@kp.org) on Fri May 28 07:39:41 2004


I like that approach,but when during the swing ?

I think of the phases as:

1-hip cock


3-coil into toe touch

4-stretch (xfactor)/drop and tilt/overlapping load/unload/reversal

5- unload

The way I look at it you have to have first cocked the hip,then cocked the hands then you form the box (including slotting of back elbow,but also good lead arm action) during the most neglected part of the swing which is the coil/rotation into toe touch (THT/upper body loading part of swing/winding rubber band going into toe touch,etc).If this phase of the swing is right,if you are in a good position with good loading/coiling dynamics at toe touch,then you feel Dusty Baker's "box" (Gwynn calls it "reverse "V") form and maintain or curve it,but don't let go of it.

Very rare to find someone in good position/good dynamics at toe toe touch.Then you have to go back and get hip cock/hand cock (cocking) and coil (uncock bat) right synchronized well with lower body action and weight shift.


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