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Re: Thinking

Posted by: chas (ctheos@bellsouth.net) on Thu Apr 15 01:09:04 2004

I know this is alot easier said than done, but (to steal a line from Bull Durham), "Don't think, it can only hurt the ball club."
> You step into the box knowing that you have "too much bat speed", you also know that your teammates are placing bets on you, you also know that you are in a slump, and it's all swirling through your head at lightening speed. And next thing you know you have hit a little dribbler back to the mound.
> I know it's tough, but you have to get up to the plate with a clear head. What I have found to work for some of my pitchers that lose the zone is to have them pitch with their favorite song playing on the radio. When they lose the zone they step off the back of the mound and start playing the song in their head and keep it playing as they go into their windup. Same thing can be done for hitting, get something in your head other than the stuff that is going on in the background.
> Remember, baseball is 90% mental.
> Coach Dan
> Dan@HuffTraining.com
> www.HuffTraining.com
> www.HuffTrainingOnline.com

Coach Dan,

Good thoughts. I think nothing at the plate except the ball and how it looks being hurdled my way. I spend so much time thinking about being in the box for hours every day. I imagine deeply how my sweet spot smacks the ball. I imagine how the bat feels in my hands. I see in my mind slapping the ball opposite field on a hit and run or when I get an outside pitch. We all know about guided imagery and belive me it works and works well. It takes practice and more practice but you really get good at it. Hitting is so much about concentration and repitiion. By the way coach, the movie Hard Ball has several scenes in it where the pitcher wears headphones on the mound as he strikes batter after batter out with some heaters. He gets in the groove with the music and it relaxes him. I don't know if you have seen it but you may find it interesting and amusing. No time to think in a half of a second. Its more fun to feel it.



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This song is traditionally sung during the 7th inning stretch?
   All My Roudy Friends
   Take Me Out to the Ballgame
   I Wish I was in Dixie
   Hail to the Chief

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