Re: Hitting Through the ball
Posted by: dougdinger ( ) on Sat Apr 3 14:20:06 2004
I have read the arguments pro and con about the above. Some say the ball stays on the bat 1/2000 second and hitting through makes no sense.
> What happens if the player misjudges the exact contact point which most surely do? Is it possible to reach max acceleration to the exact contact point? Not likely..The mental cue of hitting through the ball might make no sense as judged by pure physics but accelerating through a wider zone does make sense in real life. Telling the players to "replace the shoulders" seems to get this done for me. Any comments?
> Jack doesn't like the term "hit thru the ball", cuase he thinks it will cause hitters to make a linear adjustment at contact in order to "swing thru". However the cue works for me. I think Jack would agree with more a term of "apply torque thru the ball" or something similar. Whatever works for you. The swing can't just stop at contact, there has to be a follow-thru.
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