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Re: Re: I'm ready when you and the others are.....

Posted by: Dan () on Wed Feb 18 17:52:39 2004

> >
> > Saw your post:
> >
> >
> > "Hi BHL
> > While reading your statement, I could not help but wonder what response you would get from Paul Nyman or Mike Epstien if you went to their sites and asked to have an open forum (like we have at Batspeed.com) to compare Jack Mankin’s batting principles to theirs.
> >
> > Personally, I think it takes a lot of gall for someone to come to this site to promote someone else’s theories when neither Mike nor Paul will allow dissenting views on their own sites, at least not in an open forum. I have often told myself that if I can’t take the heat - I should get out of the kitchen. Well, they basically preach to the choir from behind closed doors. – Sorry, but I had to get that off my chest.
> > Jack Mankin"
> >
> >
> > And thought I would "stir the pot" a little.
> >
> > There's a difference between a closed forum and a censored forum. The SETPRO public forums have been closed for quite awhile. Not due to fear of discussing swing issues. But rather because it was taking too much time to maintain the forums to the standard that I felt was necessary.
> >
> > To my knowledge both you and Mike Epstein censor your forums in that you do not allow posts unless they have been prescreened. I never did that and to my recollection, the only posts that I ever deleted were posts that had no relevance to hitting or pitching (were customer service issues).
> >
> > And I don't know if you remember, but Mike Epstein posted quite often on the SETPRO web site prior to him opening his own web site/forums. And I had no problem at the time with his because I felt it added value to the discussions. And besides I was not in the business of selling information I was in the business of selling equipment.
> >
> > Now for the "fun" part.
> >
> > I propose that if Mike Epstein, Dave Hudgens and yourself are in agreement, that we have a "philosophical debate" on how to swing a bat.
> >
> > My proposal would is that we have a 4 part series of discussion/debate.
> >
> > Each web site would host one of these debates.
> >
> > Each discussion/debate would address a specific pre-determined topic regarding the swing.
> >
> > Each discussion/debate would begin with a position statement by each of the four participants. And then each participant could present questions to the other three.
> >
> > Also each debate/discussion would be open to questions from those who visit the web sites specific to the topic under debate/discussion either addressed us all (You, Epstein, Hudgens, and myself) or to a specific individual.
> >
> > Each discussion debate would last for a specific period of time (several days) and then switch to the next topic on the next prearranged web site.
> >
> > Those who know me on SETPRO web site also know that I never "shy" away from controversy and good discussion.
> >
> > I'm ready to begin whenever you and the others are.... ;-)
> >
> > Paul Nyman
> >
> Mr. Nyman,
> I admire you for offering your opinions and I am not here to question why you have not put anything out. It would be my privalage to hear your thoughts and if everyone can steer clear of the rederick and name calling, we'll all be better educated. I may not agree with Jack, Mike or even your thoughts, but then again I may......none the less I'll be a better person for having heard it. I'm all ears and look forward to an open-minded discussion.
> Please don't let a few bad apples steer you away from this excellent idea.....I want to know more.
> Coach C


On a selfish basis this is an “interesting” challenge you and I and the rest of the viewers would enjoy. However, what has Jack got to gain by it? He already has the best hitting website on the internet and a large following. His videos are owned by anyone serious about hitting. Jack would be doing a good deed by getting involved, but as we all know: no good deed goes unpunished Dan B


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