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Re: Re: The DVD

Posted by: Theo (teofanes@aol.com) on Sun Feb 1 19:22:58 2004

I purchased the video and honestly it wasn't what I was expecting. It has some good information about hands movement and BHT and THT, but I think is missing some basic information with regards to an effective swing. I do not want to promote any other video by mentioning names, but I ended returning the final arc and buying a video that focus on the same basics about rotational, but focus more on the lower part of the body as a key to producing hands speed. It really convinced me more, than the final arc and eventhough I still come to this website from time to time and enjoy some of the comments, I'm more of a visitor to this other new website. I have a lot of respect for Jack and what he has done, but something is missing with his video, it should be more detailed. This is only my opinion.




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