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Re: My Swing

Posted by: toti (ss) on Sun Feb 1 07:03:48 2004

Here are 3 clips of my swing that Nick has been kind enough to put on his webspace for me. Critique them all you want, maybe you can help me out with the inside pitch a little more and with a little more power.
> http://webpages.charter.net/nickkio/PGSwing1.mpg
> http://webpages.charter.net/nickkio/PGSwing2.mpg
> http://webpages.charter.net/nickkio/PGSwing11.mpg
> The first is an in game line drive up the middle about ten feet to the left of the bag.
> The second is in game an up and away pitch taken down the right field line for a line drive single.
> The third is a BP pitch inside I thought I drove pretty good but could have gotten alot more of it.
> Have fun!


i wrote in the other website about it. now that i see your comments you confirm my suggestions. you could have gotten more out of the inside pitch(third clip) if you landed to a bent front knee and the weight is 50-50 or so on both legs and then you could have pulled a frozen rope down the third base line. your missing some serious pop here. on the whole it looks great! good job.

i used to pull some serious ropes...for fouls. because i was not bending my front knee. and when i foul hard the inside pitch, the pither will not give me anything inside for the rest of the game. once they see you foul one pretty hard pull side , you are in for a steady diet of junk pithes low and away. then your chances to succeed go down.

loved the clips!



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