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Re: Re: Re: Re: In defense of dbc

Posted by: dbc () on Fri Nov 28 17:49:52 2003

> , > > >

> > It is truly amazing that everyone who read my post about the "Readers Digest" comment actually thought I meant "Readers Digest" did somekind of article on hitting? It was an analogy as to the "short" method in which "Matt" not only claimed he learned the rotational swing "overnight" and enough to have his son be immediately successful
> > with it AND then a further analogy as to how his son then immediately taught it to other 9 &10 year olds before a game? I also never SAID any where that 9&10 year olds can't learn this rotational swing...what I doubted was that they learned it proficient enough to teach it to other kids and AGAIN- as "Matt Stated" on this site...after he spent ONE night reading post!!!
> >
> > Uh Jack...have I ever on this site BASHED you, rotational hitting or your tapes? Again- "read my post"- I encourage others to purchase Jack's materials as well as other info about the swing AND I DID IT TO
> > make my STILL original point- It HAS to be easier to help any poster if they have any of those videos than the "piece meal" written responses I was responding to.
> >
> > For those of you who have claimed I don't agree with Jack, rotational hitting, this site or even kids learning this type of swing. YOU ALL NEVER READ ALL MY POST! It is that simple. You also have failed to read most of the post by "Matt" who has been the one boasting, bragging and insulting any one who has spent as much time as Jack and others "trying" to learn the methodologies behind this swing. He claims to have learned it overnight from this site in one visit and then when asked by any other posters to "give us some insight" as to how he did that so easily ...he never- not ever...responded with any answers??
> >
> > Those of you who have supported some of what I said- or think anyone should take it easy on me...fear not. I have been so misquoted and misjudged by posters who "can't read" and don't comprehend what I wrote that it has never bothered me when they have responded with empty and way off base come backs.
> >
> >
>> dbc if you interpreted my statements as an intent to brag or boast you are mistaken. I made it clear in all of my posts that I give full & complete credit for my son's sucess to Jack Mankin and this website. I spoke up because you were bashing this site and promoting another, and I think that is WRONG. I have never seen anyone spend so much time as yourself in trying to convince people that kids should not ask questions. All I can say is that Jack is extremely gracious to allow this to have happened, because I am sure that this Epstein guy would not permit someone disrupting his site. If your intent is to get in the last word, you got it as I will have no more to say. But I would be very surprised if the kids stop asking questions just because a surrogate from another site comes along & bashes this site. Again, Jack, me as well as undoubtably many others are very grateful for your work in the field of rotational mechanics.

Matt- and any posters who care-look back in the archives over the last 2 months- you can decide the real intent behind the majority of Matt's post. Unless you don't want to interpret his own words. He is merely "updating" how great his kid is doing and how great he and other kids are doing "teaching" the fastest method known to anyone on this site on the proper rotational hitting. A method you have refused to share with anyone else on this very site you credit for "helping you see the light". You mask your bragging by throwing Jack's name into your post...good for you! It is a broken record I am done playing. Will watch for your whole town to make it to the bigs.
Some as players and most as "quick fix" hitting instructors with trade secrets only you and they will ever know? Yeah...I know...I need only ask Jack!

You have been so thankful to Jack that I'm almost thinking you are him? (Like this will ever get posted?)And...yes Jack- though I have never bashed you, your concepts or this site- you have conveniently ommitted a couple of my responding post to Matt for reasons only you know? It's your site so go ahead and be as selective as you like- you have after all allowed me plenty of exposure.

Matt/Jack- the only time I even mentioned any other site was when "you" implied I was against rotational hitting. I provided you with absolute proof you were wrong- in so doing- the other site was referenced. Big Deal? FACT: I only learned of Epstein and his site from THIS site and other posters. He is aware of that and appreciative. If Jack was so against the other site the proprietor and his similar philosophies I never would have seen it on his site in the first place.


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