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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bad interperatation of ques out there

Posted by: dave p (cdpaetkau@telus.net) on Sun Feb 24 23:52:34 2008

> >>> Jack can you either post the results or give me a web site or paper that give the experiment parameters along with the results. Was this a computer simulation of real data or a estimation of the movement from the video camera? <<<
> Hi Dave
> No, this was not a computer simulation. As I described above, the computer produced hard data of sensor trajectories from an array of motion detectors.
> During the early 1900s, I spent a good number of hours with Professor Torres, Chair of the Physics Department at the U of CA (San Bernardino). Along with other physics labs, Professor Torres helped me to understand the physics principles that could produce the bat trajectories I had charted from overhead video.
> A couple years later he called to see if I would be interested in using their newly acquired Motion studies computer to further my study. I was able to use the equipment a couple times a week for about six weeks. We placed the sensors as I described and received data on a number of local college player’s swings. I would say the data was more valuable in validating my findings from video analysis than producing new findings.
> Jack Mankin

HI Jack

It sounds like you did alot of work in the area but I was looking for the hard data results. Are they published any where or do I take your word that the findings were the same. Most of these should have produced papers or test result documentation. Is there a way of accessing this through the San Bernadino university archhives?

I am not calling you out on the information just trying to get the information for my own records so I can explain why in the future.

Dave P


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