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Re: contact hitting

Posted by: james (Jhool2@aol.com) on Fri Aug 4 22:00:33 2000

There seems to be a need for the linear swing. If a batter has two strikes or contact must be made to score a runner from third. The rotational swing due to it's nature seems to be less forgiving if the batter needs to adjust to a breaking ball. I teach the concept think fastball and react to the curve. Can a rotational hitter adjust his bat head to the breaking ball? Is there a connection between batting average and hitting styles?

: well i feel that if a person can produce a high amount of batspeed early in the swing then that is what enables them to make the adjustments to breaking balls and two strike situations. If they produce good batspeed early then they can wait longer, so they wont be fooled. A true linear swing does not produce sufficient batspeed early in the swing and BY ITS VERY NATURE is the worst approach to hitting breaking balls (especially away) and protecting the plate. I think that you may be confused about what a true linear swing really is and the rotational/ torque swing taught on this site. Read around on this site for awhile and youll start to understand the difference. I do agree - think fastball react to the curve- but i dont see how that relates to the physical differences or as you said "bat head adjustments" The problem with the linear swing is that you have to start your swing earlier, so after the batter has realized its a curveball he then has to adjust his bat head MIDSWING which is very hard to do unless your bat is moving incredibly slow.....which in that case if the swing is truly linear is true.The only way the adjustment can be made in time is if the pitcher throws around 60 MPH....any more then that and the pitch will practically be by you before the adjustment is made, especially on the outside corner.
The major league swing taught on this site allows a hitter to delay his swing, recognize the curveball, and crush it as it enters the contact area....no mid-swing bat head adjustments here. While the batter waits for the curve to enter the contact area he stays back and closed while he torques the bat via top-hand torque, then rotates hard and crushes it. The preswing torque produced allows the hitter to wait much longer before rotating because the batspeed is actually being manufactured PRE-SWING. the result is great batspeed early in the swing and a devastated curveball. The linear swing is good for 2 things.....strike outs, and broken bat dribblers to the pitcher. The better the pitching the less need there is for the linear swing.


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