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Re: early testimonial

Posted by: mb () on Tue Aug 19 07:19:07 2003

Ordered the DVD on Tuesday, received on Friday. Watched the entire thing front-to-back twice Friday night - for the most part, a very well done presentation. Completely different than what I and my kids' coaches have been teaching (throw hands at ball, pull knob to ball, fence drill, shoulders square through contact, etc.). Ran out and bought a bag to hit on Saturday morning (IMO, mandatory equipment for this or any other program - can't believe I don't see this recommended more often).
> After about a half-hour working with my two boys (6 & 8) doing the rotate around axis drill (and just whomping on the bag, which they both found great fun), we hit the backyard tee. They both IMMEDIATELY broke their all time in-the-air distance records (marked with little plastic flags) - records that had stood since the beginning of the summer! Sunday they were both CONSISTENTLY hitting 25-40' farther than their previous records - a hit that would have had us high-fiving in celebration a week ago was now just average. I was quite amazed. Hitting off live and machine pitching also looked vastly improved, although it was harder to judge power since we were in a cage.
> Batting practice with my 8-year old's tourny team Sunday night showed definite improvement - he was finally driving the ball to right and right center (he bats left handed). He was previously pushing weak grounders to third.
> Obviously, there is still a lot to learn, but I never dreamed a weekend's work would show such dramatic results.
> I was also amazed at how easy it was for a young kid to grasp some of the key concepts, and apply even against seasons of contradictory advice. Kids evidently find the idea of pole that goes through their head and out their butt endlessly amusing.
> Alan
Having instructed hitting to lot's of young kids (including my own) here are some additional tips. These drills have greatly accelerated their progress and skill.

Have them get into to their batting stance. Assuming right handed hitter, stand in front of them opposite their right knee. Grab the barrel of the bat and let them attempt to swing while you are holding the barrel firmly. This will teach them to stride and initiate early hips while keeping the hands back as long as possible. They will get the "lag" feel necessary for great hitting and staying inside the ball. I believe the key to Bond's great swing.

Next assume the same positions. Put your right hand on the front of the left side of his head. Let your son stride and swing while holding his head back so it remains over his right knee.
You will have to stretch your arm out to avoid being hit by the bat.. If the head remains in place or moves back slightly his swing must stay rotational.

Next purchase a device called “The hit away” ($29.95). Ignore the hitting instruction on the tape (linear mechanics). The kids will love it. Make sure they use the rotational mechanics. The device will teach them the hand eye coordination to hit any moving pitch. This is the missing element you cannot get from the heavy bag, or batting tee. Pls they can really groove their mechanics. Use a wooden bat (heavier and smaller sweet spot

No matter how good they hit keep going back to these drills particularly drill no. 1.


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