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Re: Re: Re: Weight Shift - Truism or Fallacy

Posted by: THG () on Sat Jan 19 21:08:43 2008

> >>> 1- MECHANICAL. Best model is Mankin CHP and TORQUE
> Hip motion involves where center is and when and how the weight is carried on the feet. Yeager's info is the best for understanding the MLB action that has to fit into the big picture. <<<
> Hi Tom
> First, I thank you for your evaluation of our transfer mechanics. We can debate the value of x-factor and other topics in other threads. After we have finished discussing whether or not “weight shift” constitutes the development of momentum, I plan to address Yeager’s theory.
> Yeager theory basically states that when the forward momentum of the body attained during the stride is blocked, the linear momentum is convert into the angular rotation of the hips. We will discuss whether or not the laws of physics support his theory?
> This why I first wanted to show that what we refer to as ‘weight shift” does not itself constitute the development of forward momentum.
> Jack Mankin

Jack Mankin. With regard to the debate I have this to add.

1. Who are the 2 hitters who are recognized for hitting the longest homeruns consistently who did not use steroids? Mickey Mantle and Babe Ruth.

What do they have in common relative to homerun hitting? Stances in which their feet were close together from which they used an extremely long stride from which to hit.

Why is that relevent? Because the long stride facilitates a better elastic pull of the body from the shoulder turn cocking through the extension of the front leg. And though the pull/stretch could be generated from a wider stance, the stretch from opposing directions is not as effecient because less time is used to facilitate the movement.

But since you like to use Barry Bonds in your examples it should be noted that Bonds, Ted Williams, and Darryl Strawberry who bat have similarities also used the long stride to facilitate the stretch principle though not as dramatic. They used the back to forward moving more with the cocking of the front knee. (Williams widened his stance over time and against certain pitchers when he needed to be quicker.) These hitters could hit tape measure homeruns but not as far as Mantle and Ruth.

Other hitters use some form of the backward toe tape in order to exhibit the stretch load. (Sosa) While still others use the leg kick (Ortiz). And some just stretch out (Dimmagio) Jimmy Wynn "Toy Cannon".

Frank Thomas used the momentum weight shift to win homerun derby in Toronto and hit the furthest homeruns by far (well over 500ft) than the other competitors. Galaraga (leg kick) hit the furthest ball in Montreal by far using the high leg kick.

Sure many hitters have great batspeed and there are many techniques in use, but (for the most part) the most consistent tape measure homerun hitters have used some form of momentum, leg kick, type stretch to generate their exceptional power.

(Of course McGwire was a great homerun hitter of the steroid era who did not use momentum.)


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