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Re: Re: Small Guys?

Posted by: Mister X () on Fri Jun 13 14:19:44 2003

I've been reading some of the site and the theory sounds great, especially since u scientifically backed it up. I just don't understand where you stand if you had a 5'6' guy who weighs 150. Are you telling me that he too could hit a ball 500 ft with the right hip rotation and torque? The problem with a lot of hitting theories is they neglect the guy who isnt as big as the others. You mention Bonds, Bagwell, and Sosa who together could move a mack truck. Eckstein and Ferqal are great players but can't hit the ball that far. Are they not setting good enough goals? I think mass of the player definietely has something to do with it. What do you think?
> I'm not so sure that much if anything said on this site is "scientifically backed up". Not intended as a putdown, simply the facts.
> Everything being equal (mechanics, bat size, pitch speed, etc), the bigger guy will hit the ball harder/farther than the small guy. Sorry, Black Hole Lexciographer, that's just my opinion, based on common sense. People may disagree or even take offense, but NO ONE can prove otherwise.

Yeah Bart, but you can't prove yourself either. No one can or has proven either way. And by the way, science works by disproving things, NOT proving things.

But I belive I'm right based on common sense. All other things being equal, batspeed and how well you make contact are the only things that determine how far you hit the ball. How can you say otherwise? A bigger guy might be able to create more batspeed, but if he and a smaller guy have the same batspeed then they will hit the ball the same distance (if both hit the ball perfectly squarely).


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