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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does “Weight Shift” = Momentum

Posted by: Jack Mankin (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Fri Dec 21 14:28:27 2007

Hi Tom

I am fairly certain you would agree with Dr. Yeager’s conclusion that hip and shoulder rotation is generated from the transfer of momentum as the front leg stops the body’s forward movement. I was wondering if you also agree with his quote below?

“If forward momentum is not stopped and if body segments turn at the same time, maximal energy transfer will not result. If one were to attempt to crack a whip by rotating in a circle without stopping the hand, and therefore not transferring energy, the goal of cracking the whip would not be attained. However, if we stop the whip and then allow the whip to sequentially stop down the line, then we'll get the desired result.”

Jack Mankin


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