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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: batspeed

Posted by: KRSTRKZONE17 () on Thu May 1 08:22:23 2003

Why does my son NOT possess the batspeed that some kids even skinnier and more "lanky" have. He can crush the ball good and is a good "spray" hitter but just simply doesn't have enough to carry the ball over the fence. HELP ! ! ! ! He need to be a home-run hitter to get any serious looks. He is 11 years-old and is 5'0 and 124lbs.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Why does he need to be a HR hitter to get any looks? And who is looking at an 11 year old? you would be shocked that skinny lanky people usually have more pop in their bats,its hard to understand but i know huge guys that you would think can crush the ball and they hit it pretty far, but then you get those tall skinny guys who you think is nothing and their the ones who can really crush the ball. its leverage my friends.
> Why do skinny guys have leverage that huge guys don't?
> Define 'leverage'.

This is because smaller kids learn to hit the ball with their hands, while big kids have a tendency to practice "pulling" the bat through with their upperbody. Due to the fact that the kid is small he is forced to use good mechanics in order to hit the ball well.


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