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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: biomechanics of the baseball swing

Posted by: JTW (jtwelborn@triad.rr.com) on Fri Nov 30 20:39:06 2007

> > > Yes, I have that information from a biomechanics research project for my M.S.P.E at Ohio University.
> > >
> > > > > > Does anyone know where I could find out the exact muscles used during a baseball swing? I am doing a project for Kinesiology and I need specific information on it. Thanks.
> >
> >
> > I too am doing a kinesiology project on the biomechanics of the baseball swing, where can i find information on this? Thank you.
> hello, mr. anderson!
> i have bad news for you... you would be better off trying to identify the muscles you do NOT use when you swing a bat at a baseball...
> the more muscles you use, the more power generated.. virtually every muscle group is utilized to some extent... you should keep your head still, so neck & trapezius muscles are not used much. but other than that, you should be flexing from neck to toe... good luck with that!!

Ah, but the head does move as far as the muscles that control it are concerned! The head must maintain a track to the ball while the body rotates beneath it in the opposite direction. Actually, a great deal of coordination and practice is necessary to create the independent head movement that allows the eyes stay focused on the ball. Lack of ability to do this is especially apparent in younger players. Once learned, it's something that's taken for granted among older players. The term "keep your head on the ball" is perhaps one of the most frequently used terms in coaching in the youth leagues.

The statement, "...you would be better off trying to identify the muscles you do NOT use..." is absolutely correct!



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