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Re: Re: Re: Ball travel

Posted by: Graylon (g_dunc@hotmail.com) on Thu Nov 29 08:17:21 2007


Clarify out front? A foot in front of your front foot at your front foot or what?

I'm sarcastic because of the answers you guys give. Short and quick let me ask you this Is Frank Thomas Short? Is Jim THome Short? Is Vlad Short? The inside pitch is hit out and front and there is more of a turn which is deceiving to many because they think guys bring there hands in. The outside pitch every one has a long swing because that is the only way they could hit ball for power the other way. Whoever said contact is hit deep like all college coaches in America teach is stupid. Contact is all made out in front including the away pitch which isn't as out in front as the ball middle and in. But at the same time an outside pitch could be hit very out in front especially the guys who like to pull the away pitch for power. (GRIFFEY JR)
> > > He is a topic that has a big controversy. Is contact made deep or out in front of your body? This is the question I have for all you so called baseball experts. And are hitters short and quick to the ball or long and on time with the ball?
> >
> > Mike,
> >
> > Kind of sarcastic "so called baseball experts". I think that we are voicing our opinion and maybe helping someone and possibly learning something in the process.
> >
> > Now as to where the ball is hit would depend upon pitch location. Inside pitch would be hit farther in front then an outside pitch that you would hit deeper in the zone.
> >
> > Hitters should be quick to the "ball". I know some one will post in response to my comment that since I said quick to the "ball" do I mean take your hands to the ball, NO. By quick I mean your hands move a short distance while the bat travels a longer distance. Your hands may only move 4 inches while the barrel may move 3 feet and moving at a much faster rate then your hands.
> >
> > Hope my opinion helped answer your question,
> > Graylon


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