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Top Hand Release

Posted by: george stanley (saint_george13@yahoo.com) on Tue Nov 20 09:52:29 2007

> > Does anyone know why some Major League hitters consistently release the top hand and some do not?
> >
> > Does anyone know why hitters in the Major Leagues are successful with either style?
> >
> > Jimmy
> Jimmy. Nowadays it seems to be the style of this day in the game. On this site it is thought that the tophand release does not really make a diffence since on a solid hit ball the ball has already left the bat before the tophand releases.
> Personally after viewing Manny Ramirez take batting practice on an online site it appears the top hand release is used to promote full extension. The late Charlie Lau believe the top hand release promoted extension as well.
> The key of course is to make sure the hitter actually makes full use of the power in both hands as opposed to using the top hand release to slap at the ball. From personal experience I have noted that the top hand release can aid a player in additional reach for a pitch that is outside his strike zone when he is fooled or on a borderline pitch in an effort to spoil the pitchers pitch.
> In this day and age it would appear that the 2 hand approach is more for hitters who just wish to feel they are using both hands effectively or who already get great extension and plate coverage. EX. Prince Fielder, Geoff Jenkins.
> *NOTE* Before Barry Bonds was into the big weightlifting etc...he used the two hand appoach more often than not as did Mark McGwire. It is sad that it is presumed that both men cheated because neither had to cheat and the likely could have avoid extended injury from the abuse their bodies took. McGwire especially at six foot five 225 pounds as a rookie had more than enough power. I can still remember how easily he hit the ball 440 plus feet to straight away center in old Tiger stadium as a rookie using the two handed swing. He is one of the few hitters who made Yankee stadiums "death valey" look small before all the allegations.

first of all, style has nothing to do with contravening the laws of
LOGIC & PHYSICS.. this is where MLB hitter fall on thier faces.. they believe the laws of LOGIC & PHYSICS do not apply to them, becasue they baseball players.. no wonder it takes 10 years to be a MLB hitter
charlie lau may he rest in peace, was a nice guy, but had no knowledge
of PHYSICS.. if he did he & any player who had knowledge of PHYSICS
try this: sit on a barstool. have someone spin you around rather quickly... now extend your arms out to the side.. what happens???
YOU SLOW DOWN!!! now bring your hands to your beltbuckle... YOU SPEED UP!!! PHYSICS 101 SEZ WHEN YOU EXTEND YOUR ARMS YOU SLOW DOWN! watch barry bonds... hands in tight, generating great torque, thus great batspeed, thus great power to the ball.. very simple.. as for plate coverage, get closer to the plate. if you feel getting closer to the plate will put you in danger of getting jammed, perhap you need a longer lighter bat. that will allow you to cover the plate yet be far enough so you don't get sawed off. everyone carries a too heavy bat anyway, in my opinion.. it's one of those penis envy things, where if that guy is swinging a x oz bat, then because i am a bigger better guy i must have a bigger one.. don't get caught up in that crap..
the alltime moron of MLB was lance johnson- 155 pounds, yet he thought he had to swing a 40 oz. bat. that's why he didn't fade away,
one day he he just disappeared.. he just couldn't get that tree
around anymore.. he coulda stuck around another 3 years if he had just grabbed a 33 oz bat!!! but no..

as for dropping your power hand off the ball & reaching for a pitch out of the strike zone...DON'T! DON'T! DON'T! that's what the pitcher wants youto do .. take a hack at HIS pitch.. don't forget half the battle is swinging at a strike.. a pitch you can do something with.
that is the difference between the winners and the losers.. don't help the pitcher by going after his pitch. leave it alone.


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