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Re: Re: Hitdog & wooden bats - con't

Posted by: derekq21 (derekq21@attbi.com) on Sun Feb 23 17:42:22 2003

Wooden Bats equal better baseball-Period!! I am well beyond my prime (29 years old), however this past summer I realised the difference between metal and wood when my over 25 leage made the switch.
Here is a simple fact: ballplayers are getting stronger,and faster than the pitchers are. The manufacturers are inventing newer, lighter and stronger materials for (weapons) bats. Add a shrinking strike zone and shorter mounds and you get softball games rather than baseball games. I have seen shortstops and second basemen hit 370 foot homeruns when they were fooled on a curveball with an easton -5. That is simply ridiculous. I have also seen less than good ball players hit homeruns off of the handle and cap of the bat. It is the difference between a double play to second base or a line drive triple to right. Aluminum bats make all the difference in the world. High school/ college have a choice, either rid the era boosters or make the manufacturers come out with a less expensive composite that would expose the less than average hitters. Because pitchers cannot keep up with the technology. I am sure that your charging 3rd baseman will agree with me.


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